Thursday, November 6, 2008

Election out/Holiday Stroll in

Life in Lemoore is finally getting back to normal, well as normal as we can get. With the election behind us, the political signs are being replaced by Thanksgiving decorations. Downtown is starting to be decorated for our annual Holiday Stroll. I personally like the Holiday Stroll, but I do believe that it happens way toooooooooooooo early. I can't even get into the Christmas spirit until after Thanksgiving Day. When I hit the mall at 5 am on Black Friday, well let me tell you, it jump starts your inner Santa Clause.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Obama Night

Wow, I guess if you have enought of the peoples money you can be on TV. It shows me that here is a man that is all fluff and no filling.

It makes me really stand back and examine the true colors of Obama. Here I am in a little town worrying about how to pay my next months bills, and there he goes, spending millions just to WIN and influence people. Where is this country going????? I will not even get into the fact that it set back our beloved baseball.


Saturday, October 25, 2008

10 Days until election..

Oh my God, is election day ever going to get here?? My mind is starting to jell into a big messy blob. Is it ever going to end???? The bs that is being flung out of the mouths of all is very disturbing. Can't anyone just tell me what they believe without being negative?

I thought that by living in a small little bitty town, and turning off my TV, that I would not have to endure the political bull, BUT I was so wrong. My mail box is overloaded on a daily basis with so much political junk, that I had to hire an assistant to just take care of it. (ok not really, but I did have to rent a bigger trash can) If the political mail abusers would just donate the money they have spent, the world would be soooooooooooooooo much better. There seems to be too much money spent on this. Here I am struggling to make ends meet in a tight economy, and money is being thrown left and right. How about throwing some money to me and people like me who work hard, but never seem to be able to get ahead.

So I say to the biggest, local mail abuser...........................(Fran you know this is you, right??) Stop cutting down our much needed trees and get real. Sad to say, you have overloaded my mail box on a daily basis, that I am yearning for someother type of mail, even a bill!!

Now on a lighter note, tomorrow is Sunday and with the TV off and no mail delivered, I can have an election free day.. YEA